Cacao Ceremony Arrival Gathering

A guided gathering involving a cacao ritual in a ceremonial setting with the purpose of setting the frame for the celebration of marriage to come one or two days prior to the wedding day.

When family and friends come together there is often a lot to tell, many hugs and kisses being exchanged – a great celebration will be shared together.

The Cacao Arrival Gathering creates a sacred space to meet in unity to experience a togetherness in a more silent and meditative state, as well as by a shared experience of music, dancing and sharing art.

Cacao, which native cultures see as the drink that opens your heart, will be the welcome drink that everyone receives for the opening of the gathering.

We will spend around 1 hour in a guided group meditation, which includes the setting of your own intentions, such as what you wish for the celebration gathering to bring into your live and/or what you wish for the couple that is entering marriage. Following, we will welcome the joy of art and music as an option for those who feel like this in the moment. I will bring art supply and of course music to accompany the whole gathering. If you wish we can create a playlist together including the songs that touch your heart the most or any special songs that connect you to people from your family and friends.


About the celebrant

I have been to many weddings and it’s totally wonderful to see the families and friends connecting on so many levels. My own personal journey has shown me more and more the importance of stillness and focus even if things in the outer world go totally wild and super exciting as they do when there is a wedding. So this is what I wanted to offer as an option to invite your guests to also met in silence and connect with the here and now, before going into the excitement of the wedding celebration, as deeper connection.

The total duration is between 2-3hrs.

We recommend the participants to come in comfortable clothing and to not eat about 3 hrs before we start.  The location of the ceremony can be outdoors, but preferably indoors in places like yoga or meditation rooms. Each guest will need a blanket to lie on and a blanket to cover. If the ceremony is held during daytime, it would be helpful if the room can be darkened slightly by curtains.

Please contact us to book a cacao ceremony for your wedding group arrival.